Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Large slipware charger

The slipware text says Mortem 1984. A school where Ian was teaching pottery at that time.

assorted pottery

Glaze tests

These were used by Ian to mark certain plants within the garden

Large decorate bowl

One of my favourite pieces. Pride of place within my home.

1 slipware and 1 decorated charger

The decorated plate matches a pot seen elsewhere in my collection

Assorted vessels

I believe the outer 2 of these pots are by Ian Godfrey and the inner 2 to be from his personal collection.

Assortment of small bowls

3 bowls

These bowls were wrapped up in storage with Ian's other work. The styles are different but I believe that they are his work. 1 has significant damage.

3 early glazed vessels

Set of Slipware jugs and cups

selection of small jugs and handled cups

3 spouted bowls